【】What Is the Electron Configuration with Step by Step Guides to write Electron Configurations of Atoms and Ions of Elements ?

Hello everyone! today I am going to discuss electron configuration. I hope you will enjoy this blog post. The atomic number of an element indicates the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. Equal number of electrons are present outside the nucleus. According to quantum mechanics, these electrons are arranged in different orbitals according to definite rules. The arrangement of electrons in different orbitals of an atom is known as electron configuration. Now watch this video about Electron configuration. Here is the step by step guides to write electron configuration of neutral atoms and ions of different elements: Electron configuration is guided by three rules,namely: 1) Pauli's exclusion principle 2)Aufbau principle 3)Hund's rule. Here is the explanations: 1)Pauli's Exclusion Principle In 1925 W. Pauli's formulated a principale about the arrangement of electrons in an atom. This is known as pau...