● A factor in math is any whole number that can divide another number evenly without a remainder. ●N's factor is the number that can divide N without remainder.That is ,divisors and quotients are the factors of a number in math. Explanation: Hello,now you will learn the definition of a factor in math.Remember that a factor of a number (N) in math is a small or equal number of that number(N). Let's say,the value of N is 4.So,what is a factor of 4 in math? Have a look. If we divide 4 by 2 ,the quotient will be 2.So 2 is a factor of 4.That is , 2 can divide into 4 exactly (without remainder).Here 2 is smaller than 4. ●4/ 1 =4 ●4/ 4 =1 ●4/ 2 =2 Here 1,2 and 4 are the factors of 4. A number may have more than one factor. Look,4=1×4 4=2×2 ●A simple way to find factors of 4 in math is what pairs of numbers multiply to get 4. Definition of factor in math Here is the definition of factor in ...